
Name Value
Popularity 9/10
Official Name Siamese
Common Name Siamese
Lifespan 12–20 years years
Weight 4 kg, 8–10 pounds
Height 25 cm, 10 inches
Coat Type Short-haired
Trainability Highly Trainable
Activity High-Energy
Vocalization Vocal
Colors Seal point, blue point, chocolate point, lilac point, flame point, cream point
Adaptability Good for Apartments
Hypoallergenic NO
Origin Thailand (formerly Siam)


The Siamese is an elegant, slender cat with a strikingly colorful coat and expressive almond-shaped blue eyes. Known for their intelligence and social nature, they are one of the most popular breeds worldwide.


Siamese cats are generally healthy but can be prone to certain conditions such as dental issues, respiratory problems, and progressive retinal atrophy (PRA).



The Siamese originated in Thailand (formerly known as Siam) and was first introduced to the Western world in the late 19th century. They were highly regarded by Thai royalty and were often kept as sacred temple cats.


  • The Siamese is one of the oldest recognized breeds of Oriental cats.

  • Their distinctive color points are due to a genetic mutation that causes darker pigmentation in cooler parts of their body.

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